Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why Use an Electric Toothbrush?

We all know that brushing our teeth correctly is so important in keeping our smiles healthy and white.  Many people today are using electric toothbrushes.  Dentists overwhelmingly recommend them as the best way to keep your teeth free of harmful plaque.  Our team at K&L Family Dental strongly recommend using an electric toothbrush, but why?

For our patients who use them, we generally see cleaner teeth and healthier gums. Electric toothbrushes remove plaque faster and more effectively.  They are able to reach hard-to-clean areas like the back of molars and at the gum line, which can help prevent cavities and gum disease.  In fact, 80% of users said they improved their oral cleanliness when changing from a manual toothbrush (source:Electric Toothbrush Review).

The electric toothbrush can help prevent "overbrushing" or brushing too hard, which can have damaging affects to the gum tissues.  Most often, this means you can injure your gums and possibly cause permanent recession.  Brushing too vigorously can also cause the enamel on your teeth to wear away, leading to possible sensitivity to cold and heat.  It is very difficult to brush too hard with an electric toothbrush because you simply hold the brush and let the moving bristles do the work, without any need for pressure.

Because the handles of electric toothbrushes are more comfortable and ergonomic, they can be used by people who have difficulty brushing their teeth.  People who have physical conditions such as arthritis, or limited mobility in their hands or arms (such as MS, MD, or Parkinson's disease) should consider using an electric toothbrush.  The easy-to-grip handle allows better access to tricky areas that generally require fine motor skills.

The team at K&L Family Dental recommend brushing your teeth for two full minutes, twice a day.  The average time that Americans spend is only 31 to 65 seconds, depending on the sex and age (source:Radius Toothbrush).  Many electric toothbrushes come with timers to help keep patients on track.

Even though electric toothbrushes are more expensive than manual ones, they do last longer.  In the long run, they need to be replaced far less often.  We feel they are an investment in your oral health.

Which ever toothbrush you choose to use, it is important to brush correctly.  Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and make sure you don't forget about the inside of your teeth and to brush your tongue.  And as always, if you have any questions about taking care of your teeth, brushing, flossing or which products to use, give us a call or visit us at

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