Tricks for Dealing with Halloween Treats
Every child loves to collect lots of candy on Halloween. But it can be a parent's worst nightmare!But we look at it as a time to teach your children good oral health habits for life, without depriving them. It's all about moderation.
Although we have some professional conflict with Halloween, we know that it a a fact of life. Don't deny
your children treats. Deprivation can send the wrong message and make candy even more irresistible. Kids may end up sneaking sweets or eating too much candy once they are on their own.
We suggest going through their bags of Halloween candy together and choosing what they like. Get the unpicked treats out of sight and then donate the extra candy to a food bank.
Set a time of day to eat Halloween candy. The ritual "sweet time" can help make children less inclined to think about eating sweets at other times of the day.
Some candy is easier on kid's teeth than others. When it comes to teeth and sugar, it's really a matter of time. The goal to to eat candy that dissolves in the mouth quickly and can be eaten easily, which decreases the amount of time sugar stays in contact with teeth. Tooth decay happens when the sugar from the candy mix with bacteria in the sticky plaque and produces acid, which then destroys the tooth enamel .
The absolute worst candy for teeth is anything sticky, like taffy or hard candy. Not only are they high in sugar, but they spend a prolonged amount of time stuck to the teeth. It is also more difficult for saliva to break down thicker, harder candy. Kids also tend to suck on hard candy at a leisurely pace for an extended period of time.
Chocolate is a good choice because it generally does not stick to teeth. It also dissolves quickly in the mouth
and can be eaten easily, which decreases the amount of time sugar stays in contact with the teeth.
So don't let zombies and goblins be scarier then candy on Halloween. And no matter when treat time is, it's
crucial to brush soon after. If you have any questions please call us at K&L Family Dental or visit our website at to learn how we can keep your smile healthy.
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