Our never-ending thirst for knowledge and the ability to offer our patients the best possible range of treatments continues here at KL Family Dental, LLC. From the day we entered dental school 24 years ago, we learned two things in great depth:
First, how to gently use a needle to administer local anesthetic. Who knows this better than your own dentist, who performs these procedures dozens of times every week?
Second, we did a year-long, in-depth dissection and study of facial muscles, nerves, and arteries. We quickly became conversant in muscle names like frontalis, temporalis, masseter and levator labii superioris alaque nasi. (Wow, try saying that three times fast!) What we were studying and learning intimately were muscles: the ones that lifted our brows, that caused our jaw to move, and that gave our lips the ability to rise as we smiled.
Now, in our never-ending efforts to widen our services, keep up with technological changes, and perform particular procedures as well (if not better!) than any other health care provider, we at KL Family Dental, LLC are offering therapeutic and cosmetic uses of Botox and dermal fillers.
As you’re reading this, you may wonder if we’re still focusing on being the best possible general healthcare provider that we can be for our patients. The answer is a 100% resounding yes! We have invested considerable time and expense to offer these services at a world-class level. We’ve become members of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics and continue to study and deepen our skill set to provide these services in the best way possible.
A couple questions:
- Who knows and understands better how a properly balanced and healthy smile should look? For instance, where does a smile end…with the teeth? With the lips? With the “smile lines” around the mouth? With the way your smile lines around your eyes look when you smile?
- Who knows better how to offer total facial esthetics?
What you’re witnessing now is one of the fastest-growing trends in dentistry and medicine. What we’re offering are world-class facial esthetic and therapeutic injectable services.
It makes perfect sense when you stop and think about it…if you had a crystal ball and could gaze 5 years into the future, you would realize that KL Family Dental, LLC was just way ahead of the pack.
Isn’t that the type of person you would want as your dental health care provider? One who is constantly looking to further their skill set and depth of knowledge and procedures? At KL Family Dental, LLC we’re thrilled to be able to offer these services on a daily basis in the best and most thoroughly mapped-out way.
Stay tuned for more information about specific esthetic services we'll be offering!
Dr. Lora Riccolo & Dr. Karyn Swade
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