Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy Tooth Fairy Day!

Found in the Chicago Tribune this morning:
The average gift left for kids who lost a tooth was up 15 percent last year, from $2.10 in 2011 to $2.42 in 2012, according to the Original Tooth Fairy Poll, sponsored by Delta Dental. The most common gift was $1, received by 51 percent of those surveyed.
The poll found that the tooth fairy visited 90 percent of homes with children who lost a tooth and that in 46 percent of homes the first tooth a child lost commanded more money than did subsequent teeth. The average amount left for a first lost tooth was $3.49, according to the poll.

(See the original article here.)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dental Health and Sports Nutrition

Whether we are hardcore athletes, exercise fanatics, or even exercise a couple times a week, what motivates us is the health benefits we get from exercise.  As a result, the reward is a healthier body and mind.  We can maximize our performance by eating and sleeping right, however, what we eat can have a negative effect on our teeth.

The bacteria that harbor in our mouth use sugar as a readily available energy source to produce acid that eventually causes a cavity in the tooth.  The more sugar, the more bacteria will thrive and the more teeth that can be affected.  But it is important to know, during strenuous exercise, we usually breathe through our mouths, producing a dry-mouth.  Once the amount of saliva is decreased, the oral environment becomes even more susceptible to the growth of bacteria.  Since exercise can occur everyday for many people, the decay-causing event will occur day after day.

Be aware of the following things that we eat and drink that can promote tooth decay:
     -Sport drinks
     -Gummy and sticky sports candy, i.e. Bloks and Beans
     -Energy bars
     -Cookies and wafers
Although we aren't going to forego the nutrition that we need while in pursuit of our sport or exercise goals, and no one would recommend that,  here are some suggestions and recommendations:

1.  Carry a bottle of pure water while your exercising.  Rinse with water after eating or drinking something sugary.
2.  Wait 30 minutes after the intake of sports drinks before brushing.  The acid in the drink can cause a temporary softening of the tooth surface.  The tooth is now more susceptible to abrasive wear from the toothbrush bristles and toothpaste.  Your own saliva needs some time to neutralize the acid.
3.  The use of xylitol-containing products (like gum or mints) help inhibit the growth of bacteria and can
help relieve dryness in the mouth through the increase of salivary production.
4.  And of course, get regular dental check-ups and exams.  Based on your eating habits, we at K&L Family Dental can always recommend nutritional advise, or an appropriate fluoride treatment to help preserve your teeth in the pursuit of your sport!

Please visit us at or call 630-653-7700 with any questions.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Better Dental Visit

One of the things we hear over and over from our patients is that they " hate feeling numb" when they are done at the dental office.  Here at K&L Family Dental, we take great pride in staying on the leading-edge of dental technologies, materials, and techniques. That is why we use "The Wand"- a lightweight, pen-like device that eliminates injection discomfort and pain.

Studies show that 50% of people experience some anxiety when they visit the dentist and 40 million people who are classified as "dental phobics"-who avoid any kind of dental care altogether.  The Wand,also know as the STA(Single Tooth Anesthetic) , helps us deliver local anesthetic effectively, quickly, and practically painlessly.  With this revolutionary device, the flow rate is controlled by the computer to distribute the anesthetic between the ligament and the tooth.  The liquid flows around the tooth to the nerve and numbs the tooth, so that the dentist can start working right away.  No more numb lip. tongue , nose or cheek!

Many dentists don't use the technology because they don't want to take the time to learn something new and are comfortable delivering anesthetic the way they've been doing so for years.  Many dentists feel they give painless injections, and they do, but The Wand allows our patients to walk out of the office feeling just as comfortable as when he or she walked in!

Not only do our adult patients enjoy going right back to work or having a meal right after their appointment, but this technology is wonderful for our young patients.  Many young patients can have trauma from biting their lower lip or cheek while feeling numb.  Many patients are numb for hours after they leave the dental office which makes having any kind of meal or snack very difficult.  The overall dental experience is very positive for our young patients and their concerning parents.

We do have to tell our patients that for a few days after the appointment the tooth and gums around the tooth may be sore.  You may also notice that the tooth can be slightly tender to chewing for a day.  Overall, the response to the The Wand has been remarkable.  Patients love it!

One of our greatest objectives at K&L Family Dental is to ensure our patients comfort and satisfaction with every service we provide.  The Wand helps us do that. If you have any questions about the STA, or any other dental questions, please don't hesitate to call our office and visit us at